Independence Elementary School, Big Lake, MN, 2012 Liberty Elementary School, Big Lake, Mn, 2012 Woodfin travels to China Guest Author at Concordia International School Shanghai, China, 2011  Pepin School District, Spring 2011 Fillmore Central School, Fillmore, New York Sommersett School, Mendota Heights, MN Woodfin appeared in the July 4th Parade on Saturday, July 3rd in Danbury, Wisconsin. Later, he posed for pictures at Deb Holten's Gift Shop in Danbury. Click on each of the pictures to zoooooom in... Parker Elementary School, Elk River, Mn at 9:30 a.m. Webster Elementary School, Webster, Wi Scott's Books, Delano, Mn Christina Huddleston Elementary School, Lakeville, Mn Delano Elementary School, Delano, Mn Lakeview Elementary School, Lakeville, Mn The Giving Tree, Chaska, Mn 2 concerts at Underwater Adventures, Mall of America Woodfin and Sharky cruise the Mall of America, Bloomington, Minnesota Bound To Be Read, St. Paul Never Give Up Seminar by Author Susan Egner, Gandy Dancer Bookstore, Webster, Wisconsin The Red Balloon Bookshop, St. Paul Children’s Hospital, Minneapolis Marine Elementary School, Marine-on-St.Croix Hancock Hamline Elementary, St. Paul, Withrow Elementary School, Withrow Fairview University Children’s Hospital, Minneapolis Kare-11 Toys-for-Tots, Golden Valley, Minnesota Kare-11 Morning Show, Golden Valley, Minnesota Parkview Elementary, Rosemount, Minnesota Book Corner, Bloomington Public TV The Valley Bookseller, Stillwater, Minnesota Gandy Dancer Bookstore, Webster, Wisconsin The Bookcase, Wayzata, Minnesota Underwater Adventures, Mall of America, Bloomington, Minnesota KKMS/KYCR/KTIS Radio Summer Picnic, Minnesota Fairgrounds